Saturday, March 29, 2008

Quick update

After yesterday's tale of great stupidity when ordering yarn, I am very pleased to be able to say that I had a very nice parcel in the post today! Yes, the two balls of cotton got delivered. From handling I can tell that this is going to be very nice stuff to knit - it's so soft.

365-090 mar 29th 08

Now I *really* need to finish the baby cardigan before I start on the tote.

Friday, March 28, 2008


I've been wanting to make this. I decided which colors of Sugar N Cream I was going to use yesterday. I have 2 skeins of it in Lavender Ice that I received for Christmas and I'm going to use that. It's actually slightly less than 2 balls because I used a little bit for the log cabin blanket I made for my doll but it will work. :)

My first knit-a-long

This is all very exciting. I've never done a knit-a-long before, but I couldn't really ignore this one, as it's a pattern I've been wanting to make for a while now, and I know there'll be some good photos and lots of support and comments from the Ravelling 365ers.

I spent a lot of time yesterday looking at different yarn options and colourways, and finally settled on Twilleys Sincere organic cotton in a colour called silver fern - a pale green I think. I found it for a very reasonable price on ebay, placed an order for it... then realised once I paid for it that I had in fact moved house since last time I used ebay, and hadn't yet got round to changing my address. I've e-mailed the seller to ask if they can send it to my new address, but so far I've not had a response. Nevermind, I still have a baby cardigan to finish before I start the bag, so a couple of extra days wait shouldn't be a problem.

I picked up two

I stopped by the chain store yesterday to buy my new KAL yarns. Couldn't really find the colors I'd had in my head - I really wanted tangerine and a turquoise. So, unless I get a chance to head up to the yarn store, these will be what I'm going to start with. Both are Cotton and the Paton's is merchandised - fancy word for polished a bit!! Can't wait to see what everyone else choose.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Want to Join?!

e-mail: guotski4(at)yahoo(dot)com
message me on ravelry: naturallyknitty
with the following info:

in the subject please put- Join Tote KAL
your name- as you would like on the side bar
your blog address(or flickr or ravelry account)- to be linked to on the side bar
your e-mail address- so I can send you an invite

*You will need to have a google account to join and become a member. Just follow the link in the invite and start posting away!